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Elimes Outfit Products's Story

Elimes Outfit is an excellence-driven luxury brand, daily producing elegant and exclusive outfits that incorporate Africa's rich and unique culture. We are all about reinventing the looks of our clientele by fusing arts and exquisite details in every garment we produce. By themselves, our clothes tell a tale.

The Company

We are consumed by the joy of watching our clients take on new and distinct appearances with each interaction. We specialise in refining and evoking old tales that ring true and inspire our clients to strive for more than simply excellent looks but to leave a lasting legacy.

Our products are fashioned with your comfort in mind, with high consideration of our continent's climate. Our carefully handpicked quality fabrics are sourced from the best of the cashmere brands, ensuring that in every piece you wear, you experience the utmost value.

We believe that every appearance should be outstanding, portraying your inner energy and finesse and adding to the memory of every occasion. Our Collections are tailored to portray the true identity of our clients and a motivation to wake up everyday to a new look that vibes you into motion for the greater YOU.

Fashion from our perspective is a continuous portrayal of an individual's self-discovery. We can boldly say that our crafts are a product of your thoughts & expectations, as we take the time to understand your needs and desires and implement them satisfactorily.


Elimes Outfit is a global brand as our products are shipped worldwide.

For a walk-in experience, our physical stores are present in Accra - Ghana and Libreville - Gabon.

Our touch points with brand representatives are Cape Town - South Africa, Kigali - Rwanda, Abidjan - Ivory Coast, Bamako - Mali and Chicago - Illinois, USA in the Northern American Continent.

We are an ever evolving brand with plans to expand our touch points.

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